Motor Skill Development
If children are to be successful academically, they must first develop strong motor skills. Current research on brain development has identified the connection between motor skills and cognitive skills. More children than ever are coming to school with poor balance, poor gross motor skills, and poor visual motor skills. Often these same children have difficulty sustaining attention, sitting still, and listening. Children must develop strong motor skills in order to be successful in school. Researchers have found that crossing the midline (an imaginary line drawn from the head to the feet that separates the left and the right halves of the body) is important for physical development as well as brain development. Learn more about midline crossing activities here.
Northville Christian School desires to support the development of motor skills in young children. Our Pre-K and Kindergarten students participate in the Motor Moms and Dads Program each week. Trained parent volunteers follow this program, developed by Nancy Sornson, as they work with individual students. Children enjoy activities involving throwing, catching, balance, skipping, jumping, etc.
Teachers in other grade levels often give students “brain breaks” in which they pause academic work in order to participate in some physical movement. This allows students to be re-engaged in learning and better focused on the next task. The program Brain Gym gives teachers specific movement activities for students.